
Running Anniversary -- My "I am a Runner" Birthday!

It's not that I was born to run -- I am pretty sure that is not the case; however what I do know is that running makes my life better. I live for it and I live really well with it -- I am good runner, not great, likely I will not win races but I WILL finish them and I will love nearly every step :0 One year ago today I ran, enjoyed and crossed the finish line of my very first half marathon. Climbing the massive hill, I had no idea was part of the course, I was certain my heart would explode; crossing the finish line I knew my heart would overflow with the joy of completing something I have work so hard to train for. I was hooked! The feel of race day, the group of runners gathered together, the wind in my hair, the competition, the thought that my husband and son would be waiting for me at the finish line big smiles, clapping and yelling "GO MAMA GO!" The feeling is like no other, I will say I race for the training, the goal, but I love race day -- I feel alive and vibrant, I feel inspired and inspiring, even when the race is tough I know I am there because there is something to gain, something to learn, something to take home.... Today was the best day ever, I ran 13.11 miles as a celebration of how far I have come in one single year -- from half crazy to ULTRA crazy. This journey is very much my own -- however I know that my journey touches many lives because it makes me sparkle and sharing my sparkle is what I do. Today and everyday I am grateful for the run, for my legs, my lungs, my heart, I am thankful for my determination and the fact that I live under the belief that we can do anything that we put our minds to. My heart is overflowing!

1 comment:

  1. Mariah! I am so inspired! WOW. It is so cool reading about your love of running and how far you've come! Do you ever push your little man around while you're running? Since we moved back to Boise this past September my goal was to begin running (something I've never enjoyed) so that I could run the Color Run 5k without stopping. I found along the way of training that I actually loved running! I am no where NEAR where you are at logging and accomplishing miles, but Jonathan and I signed up for our 2nd 1/2 marathon in May (the 1st one we'll actually train for!) and I am out pushing the girls along on the greenbelt as I train.
    I hope all areas of life are also growing for you! Much love to you my friend!
