

Today is March 2nd, it is 4:46am and I just signed up for the IMTUF 100 mile race. OH MY! I am so excited, that real "feel" it in the pit of your stomach kind of excited; laced with nerves, in that way that you want to laugh out loud to balance out all the feelings on the inside. I have surly gone out of my mind, the fact that I have the audacity to believe I can finish this race and all the other races in the Idaho Ultra Series is proof that I am a nut job, a driven nut job albeit. I rarely enter into anything without a plan -- so what's the plan? I am workin' on it. One race down, five races till the IMTUF 100, with countless miles in between and two more races after that to round out the series. I vow to enjoy the process, to work hard, to conquer fears and to keep the faith. I will explore trails, log miles, and run at night. I will embrace the moments when I question myself and then I will brush them to the side and go for a run. Here's to the process, the adventure and the craziness of it all.

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