
A Silent Conversation with myself and the wall

Ah yes a one hour run I am so excited -- and I really am. 85% of my max heart rate (155-165bpm) bam... And go.... Running... Why are the first few miles lame! Jeezz is this thing working (heart rate monitor) what only 137bpm and I am running a 8.4 min/mile -- either I am getting faster or this thing damn thing is broken -- fine I will take it to 7.5 min/mile... Running... Find your groove. And good heart rate steady... OOO I like this speed. Breathe, drop your shoulders, relax your hands, open your heart, bigger lungs, deeper breath, oh yeah reach into your back pocket -- practice form -- dang 137 bpm... Fast legs, feel good -- I dunno I will ask my coach... Okay take it down a notch... okay, I feel good 8.0 min/mile five miles in, this feels easy and good. I love running.... Yes, this is good heart rate a little low but what the heck. Pick up the speed and do not look at your watch for the rest of the time.... 8 minutes pass opps I peeked... Now I have to look! One more mile down. Strong run! Take it up notch or two 7.2 min/mile. I love this tread mill, maybe I should move the record player, oooo that plant is pretty. I need to sweep the floor, my son is such a good boy, wonder if he will like running. I wonder if I can break 7 miles in 60 minutes flat? I really want to, in fact I want 8 miles in and hour -- time... I know time, time and practice... Don't look at the TM screen... Running faster heart rate up into perfect range, smiling. Gotta look and YES bam boom bang. 7.39 miles -- stop. Breathe... Nice, I beat last Monday by .39 miles -- that is a start. (Personal pep talk) Good run lady "And the crowd goes wild" -- chuckle and laugh to myself. Cannot wait for tomorrows run! Heart rate training is awesome! (End silent conversation on with the day)


Deep thoughts from a runner lover -- ahhh life

Running holds many life lessons, it can answers the what if(s) and the why for(s), the what the(s) and maybe even the why me(s) 1) We must always move forward in order to make progress. 2) You are the only person responsible for your actions, your efforts. 3) Most times the most important thing is getting out there and trying. 4) If you do not try how will you know? 5) There are unknowns around every corner, but that does not mean you should not make the turn. 6) Winning isn't everything. 7) True peace comes with silence, movement and fresh air. 8) You are your own best competitor. 9) The most important element of success is placing one foot in front of the other. 10)It does not have to be fun to be fun. 11) When things get rough keep going it can only get better (eventually) 12) You are stronger than you think, when you stop over thinking 13) There is wisdom in the body moving, we just need to listen. 14) When you feel like quitting you have some much more to give. 15) The proof is in the pudding, I mean really who isn't hungry after a run :)


Running is Slowly Saving my Life -- as I Knew it and Know it

When I saw this picture I thought about how running is saving my life, at least as I know it. Over the course of my life time I have been heavy and thin, I have been an over eater and an under eater, I have been far too thin denying the fact that I was coping by not eating. It made me think about the fact that I used to be a full time smoker -- I smoked alone, with friends, when ever, where ever. Then I evolved into “just” a social smoker, even though I knew better. Looking back I started and quit many times. Why start again you ask? I can mark it with trauma, deep sadness and massive anxiety and frankly I liked it, I knew better and I knew I was “being bad”. Then I got pregnant and said never again, and then winked at myself on the inside, knowing that for some crazy reason I found escape in the process of smoking. I quit for a long time, tending my son -- growing my life. After Gage came into our lives, I took a look at myself and with the help of a few amazing friends I got into the best shape of my life, I did P90X, I did Mudder, I became an advocate for health and more importantly wellness, I started running as a part of my health and wellness, I was hooked. I ran half marathons, full marathons and to date 10 Ultra marathons between the years 2012 and 2013. Laced in this time I made incredible changes in my life, growing, learning, stumbling and falling, excelling and failing. I have workout out for hours a day and laid on the couch for just as many, I have run 100 miles in less than 33 hours; I have skipped training days and sat around beating myself up claiming I was not good enough. I have smoked, gained weight, lost weight, lost track and gotten back taking charge of this beautiful life. I believe that every day brings a new start and love that I have a strong connection with the sunrise. I have always seen the best in people and have learned that I am allowed to see the best in me too. I have not always been at my best, who can say they have? I have not been a perfect specimen of health throughout this process but what I know for sure is that running is slowly saving my life, making me see more clearly, feel more clearly, be more clear with who I am and what I want to give the world. Running is teaching me that the human body is a machine and needs to be tended to and that the mind and heart can be mended with time and with miles and perhaps best of all, the willingness to grow; to soar through the mud, and emerge on the surface something gorgeous and magnificent. The take away – look at your life, embrace it, embody it and then move forward glorious, magical, humble, brave and happy! You matter!