
A Silent Conversation with myself and the wall

Ah yes a one hour run I am so excited -- and I really am. 85% of my max heart rate (155-165bpm) bam... And go.... Running... Why are the first few miles lame! Jeezz is this thing working (heart rate monitor) what only 137bpm and I am running a 8.4 min/mile -- either I am getting faster or this thing damn thing is broken -- fine I will take it to 7.5 min/mile... Running... Find your groove. And good heart rate steady... OOO I like this speed. Breathe, drop your shoulders, relax your hands, open your heart, bigger lungs, deeper breath, oh yeah reach into your back pocket -- practice form -- dang 137 bpm... Fast legs, feel good -- I dunno I will ask my coach... Okay take it down a notch... okay, I feel good 8.0 min/mile five miles in, this feels easy and good. I love running.... Yes, this is good heart rate a little low but what the heck. Pick up the speed and do not look at your watch for the rest of the time.... 8 minutes pass opps I peeked... Now I have to look! One more mile down. Strong run! Take it up notch or two 7.2 min/mile. I love this tread mill, maybe I should move the record player, oooo that plant is pretty. I need to sweep the floor, my son is such a good boy, wonder if he will like running. I wonder if I can break 7 miles in 60 minutes flat? I really want to, in fact I want 8 miles in and hour -- time... I know time, time and practice... Don't look at the TM screen... Running faster heart rate up into perfect range, smiling. Gotta look and YES bam boom bang. 7.39 miles -- stop. Breathe... Nice, I beat last Monday by .39 miles -- that is a start. (Personal pep talk) Good run lady "And the crowd goes wild" -- chuckle and laugh to myself. Cannot wait for tomorrows run! Heart rate training is awesome! (End silent conversation on with the day)

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