
Foothills Frenzy 2013

The cherry on top, the frosting on the cake. The Frenzy is a perfect way to top off a fantastic season of ultra running. Jenny the RD and all of the volunteers run a solid event that provided this year a 100% success rate, NOW THAT IS VERY COOL! The day started out much like the previous 7 race mornings this year had, I woke at 3:30, rose at 4:00 -- took some time to eat, stretch and drink. During my drive to the race start I was struck by how confident I felt, I am getting good at the race thing I thought. I was not nervous but rather just plain excited to run and to see some friends out on the trail. Upon arrival, I was warmly greeted as I pick up my race bib, I wandered around, gave and received hugs, exchanged smiles and felt a deep sense of peace.
I felt like I was among family, an ultra rad family. After a beautifully sung anthem it was time to run. We headed out fast as the level of excitement was palpable. For the first time this year I had a very good idea of what to expect course wise -- this was my first repeat. As we traversed up into the foothills I watch the bouncing headlamps ahead and behind and could not help but smile -- we lite up the hill side with passion, enthusiasm, commitment and hard work! The moment was perfect, the trail conditions comfortable, I felt good. I soon realized that my climbing legs were still really tired from Standhope, tight hamstrings and hips. I had come into the Frenzy thinking "Hmm it would be great to PR this race." At around mile 12 I tossed that idea and decided to have fun and not try to kill myself out there. Early in the year, I learned that you should never ever change the game plan in the middle of the game -- a PR was a game changer. Back to plan number one -- finish strong, have fun. Since this was number 8 I wanted to run well and top off the ITUS with a smile. Up and down and all around we went, I ran hard down the hills and climbed to the best of my legs ability. I knew the last 5 miles would be a push and I knew that those last 5 miles felt like 10, so I ran them hard, passed several runners and caught a glimpse of the finish line before I knew it.
The Frenzy finish was multi-layered! Super happy to have crossed the Frenzy finish line and perhaps even happier to have crossed the ITUS 2013 finish line. But that is another story.....

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