
Thirty Nine

The plan was to run 39 miles on my 39th birthday in under 8 hours. I set out at 4:50am, ran town a few times and as dawn graced the bottom of the Canyon I headed up river. When I set my mind to a certain number of miles, many miles can feel like few. I ran and walked, I savored the celebration of the day. How lucky to be out running 39 miles in the warmth of the sun on the 39th anniversary of my birth (thank you Moma). I saw Song Sparrows, Dark Eyed Juncos, Hooded Mergansers, Stellers jays, many geese a flyin', a skunk --thankful he scared me more than I scared him-- that was likely the fastest I ran all day! I sang to the sky and the river, I ran well, with freedom and fearlessness. I had a few amazing friends visit me along the way and my wonderful husband and awesome son ran along with me for a mile or so -- according to Gage this was "Mama's birthday race." With 11 miles to go I stopped for a snack, peanut butter, honey and banana sandwich; I peeled off some layers, called my Moma to wish her a happy "birth" day and then set out to get this thing done. I glided,39 felt really good. I finished strong running a 9'2' mile for the final mile of the day, total running time 7 hours 44 minutes! The training is paying off there is no doubt, but the more and more I do this the more I realize that my mind and my heart know how to run far and because of this I am a starter and a finisher. Sixteen days till the Pickled Feet 12 hour run, my heart and mind are ready. Believe and Achieve!

1 comment:

  1. Joyful! Keep spreading the word Mariah! Running=Joy and I am feeling yours!
