
Race Anticipation

Clicking back and forth between the race website, the email from the race director and photos taken by others who have run the trail, visualizing, planning, packing, checking the weather, planning some more and running. Running long and short, running in my mind, running fast and slow, uphills and down hills -- trust the training and believe that you have done all you can for this particular race and then run less for a few days to give the muscles a rest. This Saturday will be a run like I have never really done, the amazing gift of a surprise around every corner adds another layer to the experience; in my little world I have a pretty good idea of what to expect daily -- I savor the mystery and the adventure of race day. The weather calls for low of 11 and high of 27 and seems to be getting lower each time I look. The one thing that will not be left to chance is the cold, I am geared up and ready to run, if I said I did not have butterflies running laps in my stomach I would not be telling the truth. The thrill of the starting line, the thrill of being surrounded by other runners -- a family of runners, the thrill of each corner, each ascent and decent. The burn in my quads and the battle in my mind, each step that leads to the next that leads to the finish line. Wilson Creek Frozen 50K first race of the year, first race of the series I salute you, I am ready to see what you are made of and I am ready to give you all that I've got.

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