
Sometime We Don't Feel Like it....

It happens to everyone, some days and even some weeks we just don't want to lace up and get out there. There are a few ways to look as this... Am I being mindful or am I being lazy?? First question, why? Why do you not want to run? What makes you want to skip it? This week has been one of those weeks for me, holiday week, worked out every day but did not hit the pavement/trail as I normally would have.... I am deep in thought about 2013, planning, setting goals, making lists, doing a great deal of visualization. I am in my head... Today during my Yoga practice I realized that this time "off" from running is what will set my year in motion, learning to rest without the guilt, learning to enjoy the space between runs, learning to embrace the subtle shifts in the journey. This year will be mind over matter, this year will be about balance and bravery -- both on the run and within the rest and recovery. I do not have to win (and won't) but I will finish, by running happy, by running long, by savoring the rest, by moving forward on the run and off the run.

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