
Time to Run

It has been 11 weeks since I ran IMTUF -- the race that two years in a row changed my life in ways that are beyond beautiful -- both as a runner and as a human! It has been a 6 weeks since Foothills Frenzy, my final ultra of the year -- the race with will forever live in my heart. I have taken the last several weeks to settle in and do some mindful reflection and frankly some time to just check out. I have spent time doing nothing, I have run here and there, practiced Yoga and been deeply honored by my community with an incredible celebration of my completion of the ITUS (which filled my heart to no end). The photos below just show a few of the magical people that have supported me on this journey.
Again, I reflect. Running is mine, running is me, running is my way of coping with life, running helps me cultivate a better me. It is my time to think, to be creative, to stay fit, running has helped me be a good role model for my son and my community, running has shown me that I CAN and WILL and DO! I have been working to accept this not running time, uninspired and needing a break -- two things I do not normally feel or take. However, it has given me time to look for balance, to accept help from my close friends and to spend time with my family. BUT IT IS GO TIME! This girl is growing her heart! I am ready to explore a new form of training and completely thrilled to learn and grow as a runner. I have been on blackout drive for months upon months and I am learning that less can be more, that being a human is amazing and having a team is food for the soul -- be it a team of two or ten and I have so many different teams my heart overflows! I am looking forward to some alone time on the roads and trails. I am looking forward to few ultras next year as well as some shorter races, I look forward to meeting new people and inspiring a few more along the way. This is me, this is my life and I am happy to shift, wiggle, learn and grow.... Run on friends!

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