
Every Runner has a Reason and a Story

Why do you run Ultras? What is it about them that takes you out on long runs in the wee hours of the night, that takes you away from your family for hours on Saturday and Sunday. What is it? Good question. I love the challenge, the time on my feet, the conditioning of my body, the fact that this time is all mine, I love the people, the community and the craziness of it all. With each race that I run I connect more with the sport. Running down a single track for hours is like nothing in the world. Sharing space and time with other runners is special in that the many people I have run next to, I do not know. I can guess that they have a story and a reason for being on the trail running 30, 40, 50, 100 miles. Somehow after sharing 10, 15, 20 miles with someone a bond forms. I run ultras for so many reasons, I run for therapy, for fun, for strength, because someone once told me I couldn't run an ultra until I spent a few years running half and full marathons (wanna bet), I run because it makes me a better Wife, Mother, Friend, Boss, Human, I run to find focus and to let go, I run because it makes sense to my mind, body and soul! After volunteering at the IMTUF 100 in 2012 I knew that this was a good community for me and that the connection I felt with perfect strangers was, with the risk of sounding over dramatic, totally life changing. It was that day that I knew I was an Ultra runner -- I had not run further that 20 miles but I did not care I was in. That is the thing about running long distance, if you really want to YOU CAN -- no rules just run.... I have met so many people over the last year each with a special something about them, the reason they train may be unique and it may be something we all have in common (aside from being totally crazy nuts). Ultra runners are compassionate, generous, understanding, kind, funny and nutty! Maybe the real question is why wouldn't you run an Ultra!

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